Normálna cena €11,00

Vrátane dane.

100% Pinot Gris

oranžové suché

Alk.: 11% Obj.

Oranžista sa preslávil vo svete, keď ho uznávaná food and wine kritička pani Fiona Beckett vybrala v roku 2017 ako predstaviteľa oranžových vín do svojho článku v britskom časopise The Guardian s názvom “Oranžové je nové biele”. Toto víno vyrábame z odrody Ruland šedý, maceruje na šupkách, nie je čírené ani filtrované a je výborným sprievodcom chuťami oranžových vín, ktoré určite treba spoznať!



Oranzista is pure, semicarbonically fermented Pinot Gris. Fresh and fruity wine for everyday drinking or food pairing.

Part of whole clusters fermented with unfined must for the period of 7 days. The wine aged in ovoids, egg-shaped containers that breathe. The semi-permeable polymer walls of the tank have a specific gradient that allows oxygen molecules to pass through the vessel and thus ensure micro-oxidation during the aging of the wine, similar to a wooden barrel. However, the resulting aroma and taste is not affected by the character of the wood, thanks to which the wine retains its fruity character.

Oranzista with gentle skin contact is a lighter orange wine, a great companion for exploring the world of skin fermented wines.