odroda: 100% Rizling rýnsky
biele suché
Alk.: 11% Obj.
Tento rizling bol vyrobený bez macerácie na šupkách, dopriali sme mu veľa času, zrel v ovoidoch, nebol čírený ani filtrovaný. Zachováva si sviežosť a výborne sa páruje s jedlom. Jeho ambíciou je dostať hlohovecký rizling na mapu sveta.
INTERVAL je pocta našim predkom žijúcim a pracujúcim na Majeri v Zemianskych sadoch od roku 1912.
INTERVAL is one of our SLOVAK CRU wines.
Riesling is very popular Slovak white variety and it is grown in almost all wine-growing regions of Slovakia except Tokaj. Interval is selection of the best Rieslings in vintage and is our homage to the generations living and working on family farm Majer Zemianske Sady since 1912.
The first yield of the new plantation of Riesling came in 2012, just 100 years after our ancestors arrived to our estate in Zemianske Sady (1912). The very first wine of the new vineyard was named INTERVAL 100 and from that year we started to count a new calendar with this wine.
The name Interval also refers to our grandfather Eduard Herzog, who was born in Zemianske Sady and devoted his whole life to classical music and interval scales. He was also the first to return to Zemianske Sady after the Velvet Revolution 1989.