70% Devín, 30% Tramín červený
oranžové, suché
Alk. 12,5% Obj.
Cutis Deviner maceroval na šupkách niekoľko týždňov a v nakvášacích kadiach prebehol aj celý proces kvasenia. Zrel v hlinených amforách, nebol čírený ani filtrovaný. Toto víno je našou poznávacou značkou. Ročník 2014 nám otvoril brány do sveta a ročník 2016 bol zaradený britským odborným časopisom Decanter medzi 30 najlepších oranžových vín sveta.
CUTIS DEVINER blanc is one of our SLOVAK CRU wines.
Cutis, meaning “skin” in latin represents our full fledged skin fermented wines. In our vineyard we have Devín and Traminer growing right next to each other. Apart from location, they share more similar characteristics as they are a distant “family”. Devín is a crossbreed of Gewürztraminer and Veltliner Rotweiss. That all made it very natural to try blending Devin and Traminer and look for their harmonious combination.
Grapes macerated with skins for the whole period of fermentation. Wine aged in terracotta eggs, and was bottled without fining or filtering.
Cutis Deviner is our signature orange wine.
Julia Harding, Master of wine referred to Cutis Deviner as a “benchmark of this style” for www.jancisrobinson.com. Cutis Deviner 2016 was chosen among 30 best orange wines by British magazine Decanter.